
14th of March 2023

In just about 3 weeks Duncan, Oliver and Doug will be on the tatami at the SANSHIN Taikai in Göttingen. Duncan has come all the way from Australia and Doug from Japan. All three will try to inspire you and share their knowledge with you!

Register by 19.03.2023 to take advantage of the early bird discount (125 /2 days and 100 /1 day).

On Friday, 31.03.2023, there will be an additional training with all three teachers starting at 19:30. Please send the registration for the training via this email

Another highlight besides the teachers will be the band Calaveras, Doug’s band from Japan. They will rock Gttingen again. The concert is on 01 April and Doug will present his new album “Skulls on Fire”.

1st of March 2023

The SANSHIN Taikai is coming. Duncan, Oliver and Doug look forward to seeing you at the SANSHIN Taikai from 01-02 April!

Pre-registration runs until 19.03.2023 (125 /2 days and 100 /1 day), after that the regular fees apply (145 /2 days and 110 /1 day). Just send your registration via email to

On Saturday evening, after dinner, there will be a concert with the Calaveras. Doug and Ken will rock the stage, as they did in Göttingen in 2019.

3rd of February 2023

The SANSHIN Taikai will take place in Göttingen from 01-02 April. 2013 is 2023. Duncan, Oliver and Doug kicked off the SANSHINKAIS and ZANSHINKAIS in 2013. In 2023 they will come together again in Gttingen after 10 years.

You are very welcome to register by email at

27th of September 2022

This year’s SZANSHINKAI will not take place as usual due to too few participants.

We recommend everyone to fly to the Noguchi Taikai.

Those who still have time and money to spare are welcome to attend the training in Göttingen this weekend.

We wish everyone a nice autumn and winter.

18th of August 2022

This year’s ZANSHINKAI teacher team: Oliver Piskurek (Germany), Sheila Haddad (USA) und Sveneric Bogsäter (Netherlands). We look forward to inspirations with a feeling of Japan.

Please register via e-mail at The early bird discount is ending on 18.09.2022.

We are looking forward to seeing you again on this wonderful training weekend in October.

17th of October 2021

Special thanks to the 3 main teachers of the SZANSHINKAI 2021 Marco Borst, Michael Schjerling and Oliver Piskurek and also to the surprise teacher. And a big thank to all participants!

It was a wonderful event!

3rd of October 2021

The early bird deadline is 10.10.2021, so there is still time to pre-register for ZANSHINKAI 2021 until Sunday.

There will also be a dinner on Saturday.

Furthermore, we can look forward to a special Bo Shuriken performance and training opportunity at this year’s ZANSHINKAI.

There will also be a ZANSHINKAI t-shirt this year.

Please don’t forget to register soon to make organisation easier for us.

23rd of September 2021

20th of September 2021

This year’s ZANSHINKAI teacher team consists of Michael Schierling (Denmark), Marco Borst (Netherlands) and Oliver Piskurek (Germany). We look forward to inspirations with a feeling of Japan.

Please register via

Further information will follow soon.

22nd of February 2021

The SZANSHINKAI 2021 will take place from 16.-17.10.2021.

25th of September 2020

The SZANSHINKAI will take place from 10-11.10.2020.

Due to COVID-19 there will be another change in the teacher team. Three different dates and three teacher changes, szanshin.

This year we are looking forward to Thomas Franzén, Oliver Piskurek and Kostas Kanakis.

The pre-registration runs until September 30th, 2020. The number of participants is limited.

Further information will follow.

Stay healthy.


3rd of July 2020

The SZANSHINKAI will takes place from October 03-04, 2020.

Due to the current situation, we will adapt the SZANSHINKAI thematically and make long weapons a central theme. The number of participants for the SZANSHINKAI 2020 will be limited.

New pre-registration is possible until 12th of September 2020.

More information will follow soon.

Stay healthy.


16th of March 2020

As already indicated, the SZANSHINKAI 2020 must be postponed.

Further information will follow.

Stay positive and healthy 🙂


15th of March 2020

Due to the dynamic progression of the current situation, we would like to try to respond to all concerns, wishes and hopes as best as we can. Taking into account the current situation and the travel restrictions, we would like to express our fullest understanding. In the SZanshinkai team we constantly discuss and evaluate the situation. It is important to us to avoid risks, especially for older people or people who are at risk for health conditions.

We will get in touch with you early next week. Please be prepared for everything and stay positive.

Banpenfugyo juppo sessho gakorai tosha akuma fudo.

14th of March 2020

The ZSanshinkai team understands that given the current state of affairs some people will likely be impacted by travel restrictions. We understand and respect that people will be impacted and should not take unnecessary risks. We are happy about all those who remain positive and look forward to the ZSANSHINKAI.

Here some more information about the ZSANSHINKAI. Besides the usual training weapons, please bring a Rokushakubo if possible. This year there is a limited number of participants. Until Thursday, 19.03.2020, a few more participants will be accepted.

We are looking forward to a great event and wish a smooth trip to our attendees and now a great weekend.

28th of February 2020

Just 3 days left until 01.03.2020 to get the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT for 125 €. For Judan and above the EARLY BRID DISCOUNT is 70 €. For group bookings of 5 persons or more, the fee is reduced again, please check our ZANSHINKAI Flyer! Please note that after 01.03. the regular seminar fee of 145 € will apply. Please register for the ZANSHINKAI 2020 via

Our T-Shirt design for this years ZANSHINKAI you’ll underneath this post. Pre-orders can be placed until 01.03.2020.

As usual, we will have our regular dinner on Saturday evening. Please let us know, if you want to join.

Note: Due to a few requests about the new coronavirus, I would like to refer to a scientific assessment by Oliver Piskurek. Please follow this link:  and the corresponding updates from Oliver. We will take extended hygiene measures for the ZANSHINKAI. If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact us.

Pedro will give a special training on Friday, 20.03.20 from 7-9 pm. Take this opportunity & join 😉 For all who participate in the ZANSHINKAI, the fee is 15 €. For all others 25 €.

16th of February 2020
This year’s T-SHIRT design. When you register for the ZANSHINKAI please let us know, if you want to order one and which size you have (we have men and womens cut).

25th January 2020

A happy new year 2020 to all.

The ZANSHINKAI 2020 is coming closer. On 21-22 March 2020 in Göttingen. Pedro, Oliver & Doug form this year’s ZANSHINKAI teacher team.

Pedro will give a training on Friday, 20.03.20 from 7-9 pm. Take this chance & join! Please register for the training (

The registration for ZANSHINKAI 2020 is running and as always there is our early bird discount. Register until 01.03.2020 and receive special (group) conditions.

We are looking forward to you!

11th of October 2019

The upcoming ZANSHINKAI is from 21.-22. of March 2020. More information are coming soon. Please mark this date in your calender.

16th of May 2019
16th of May 2019

This years t-shirt design.

29th of April 2019

Here a trailer of previous Sanshin/Zanshinkais that features our three main teachers for 2019. Get your early bird discount until 19th of May 2019. We look forward seeing you at the ZANSHINKAI 2019!

4th of April 2019

In less than 2 months the ZANSHINKAI 2019 will take place in Göttingen. Please register for the early bird discount by 19 May 2019.

We are very happy to have the band Calaveras around Doug Wilson in Göttingen. This will be a very special event. His legendary guitarist Ken Kishi and co-founder of Calaveras will come to Göttingen for the concert, too. At the moment the band is touring in Tokyo. They will perform as a duo on April 13th in Kyoto. And on 1st of June 2019 they will perform a live concert in downtown Göttingen to present their newly released CD “Hell will decide”. More information will be available soon.

Our ZANSHINKAI-T-Shirt-Logo of this year will be released soon. Please pre-order at

13th of March 2019

The ZANSHINKAI Flyer with all main information is online. This year at the ZANSHINKAI we added some specials. Stay tuned.

We are working on a ZANSHINKAI-T-Shirts. To get one please contact us at More details are coming soon.

1st of March 2019

The ZANSHINKAI 2019 takes place fom 1st to 2nd of June 2019 in Göttingen. Further information are coming soon our website, Facebook and Instagram.

21st of May 2018

The pictures of the ZANSHINKAI are now online. Please check the gallery.

15th of April 2018

Thanks to all of you for joining the ZANSHINKAI 2018 in Göttingen two weeks ago.

We will upload the seminar pictures soon.

Have a great time. And see you next time.

24th of January 2018

The ZANSHINKAI gets closer.

The seminar starts on Friday 30th of March (Good Friday) at 10 am.

The teacher of the ZANSHINKAI 2018 are Sveneric Bogsäter, Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Luboš Pokorný, Kostas Kanakis, Christian Petroccello. This year we will have some special guests.

The party is on Friday. The location is already booked. We look forward to a great atmosphere as usual.

A perfect point of time before Easter to get the Japan spirit in Göttingen to get new ideas and a positive input to slide into a relaxed Easter time with your family.

See you at the ZANSHINKAI 2018!

05th of December 2017

The teachers of the ZANSHINKAI 2018 are: Sveneric Bogsäter, Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Luboš Pokorný, Kostas Kanakis, Christian Petroccello.

The ZANSHINKAI 2018 takes place from 30th till 31st of March 2018 in Göttingen.

Attention: The seminar starts on Good Friday and ends on Saturday. You can enjoy Easter after an intensive training.

Please send an email or the registration form for register for the seminar.

Special conditions apply for registrations up to 18th of March 2017.

See you at the ZANSHINKAI 2018!

4th of April 2017

To all participants and to all teachers a big thanks!

The ZANSHINKAI weekend was full of good atmosphere, a lot of creativity and energy, a high quality of teaching and a wonderful spirit.

Soon we will upload pictures of the ZANSHINKAI 2017 in the gallery.

30th of March 2017

The registration starts on Saturday as well on Sunday at 9 am until 9.45 am.

27th of March 2017

As last years yoga session with Paul we will have an additional session on Friday (31-03-2017) from 7.30-9 pm in the Brüder-Grimm-Halle (Bergenstr.). Ralph is giving a session on the subject “Healing Art Based On Hichibuku“. Don’t miss it.

The training schedule for Saturday and Sunday has been uploaded under  Training. Please check it out.

In regards of the party on Saturday night we have to say that we have no room left. There is a possivility of a waiting list. Feel free to contact us.

17th of  January 2017

Information about the training, registration and accommodation as well as the evening programme can be found on this page or on the ZANSHINKAI flyer. Special conditions apply for registrations up to 19 March 2017. Please remember to make the pre-registration via or by mail with the registration form. Registration from the 20th of March and on site are also possible.

We are looking forward to seeing you at ZANSHINKAI 2017 in Göttingen.

2nd of  January 2017

We wish everyone a Happy New Year!

24th of December 2016

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


21st of October 2016

About 5 month to go for the next ZANSHINKAI in Göttingen. This time the highclass teacher team consists of Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Sheila Haddad, Arnaud Cousergue, Lauri Jokinen and Ralph Schwager. They are coming together on the 1st and 2nd of April 2017.

Please register via e-mail or PDF form. Pre-registration is possible until the 19th of March 2017. You will find further information under this link: Registration.

Information about the training location, training schedule, accomodation and the famous evening party on Saturday are available on the Zanshinkai-Flyer.

Further important news are coming up on this page or the facebook-event-page.

We look forward to seeing you.

5th of May 2016

The photos of the ZANSHINKAI are available under “Gallery“.

16th of April 2016

We want to say thank you for a successful seminar with more than 100 participants from all over Europe. Guests from Finland, Denmark, Spain, Turkey, from the Netherlands, Austria and from Germany created a truly international atmosphere. All participants trained with great enthusiasm and the number of 25 Judans is an evidence for the high level of training.

Furthermore, we want to thank you for attending the great party on Saturday night, where many of you, after having the tasty dinner, took the possibility of our open stage to bring joy to all of us.

We got several requests concerning our sold-out Zanshinkai-T-Shirts. If we get the minimum amount of orders that is needed, we are happy to order some more for you. Please let us know if you are interested in a T-Shirt and send an email ( with specifications about your size until April 26th.

See you next time… Banpen Fugyou.


2nd of April 2016

9 teachers = ~270 years of experience


30th of March 2016

Three days left for the early-bird-discount! If you know someone who is not registered yet: you can only get this discount until April 2nd. Just a few more people can be accepted for the party on Saturday night, we are sorry but space is limited!

22th of March 2016

The Zanshinkai-T-Shirts have been delivered! They are looking great, aren’t they?


9th of March 2016

We organised a nice bar for Saturday night where everyone will find something delicious at the buffet. We arranged very good conditions and are looking forward to a great night with an open stage.

Please let us know with your registration if you want to attend:

29th of February 2016

As a great beginning for the Zanshinkai weekend, Paul will be teaching a yoga class. It will take place on April 8th, 7:15-8:45 pm in the gymnastics hall of the Brüder-Grimm-Schule (Bergenstraße, 37075 Göttingen).

It is possible to stay overnight in the dojo (Max Planck Gymnasium, Theaterplatz 10, 37073 Göttingen) for 8,- EUR/night incl. breakfast. Please let us know with your registration if you want to sleep in the dojo (do not forget your sleeping bag and camping mat!).

06th of February 2016

Exactly nine weeks until the Zankshinkai from today!
We want to give you some information about the course of the event.

We will start and end both days of the seminar with a large class with all nine teachers and all participants. The other classes are divided in three smaller groups, each held by three teachers. The teachers will change from class to class so every participant will be able to get a lesson with every teacher.

9th of January 2016

Dear martial arts friends,

The new year has just begun and we wish you the very best for it.

It is exactly three months from today until the Zanshinkai takes place and we are looking forward to organise this great seminar for you.

We would like to ask you to pre-register via our website. A pre-registration on Facebook is not enough for this event. You can find all details on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and contact us.

11th of November 2015


3rd of October 2021

The early bird deadline is 10.10.2021, so there is still time to pre-register for ZANSHINKAI 2021 until Sunday.

There will also be a dinner on Saturday.

Furthermore, we can look forward to a special Bo Shuriken performance and training opportunity at this year’s ZANSHINKAI.

There will also be a ZANSHINKAI t-shirt this year.

Please don’t forget to register soon to make organisation easier for us.

23rd of September 2021

20th of September 2021

This year’s ZANSHINKAI teacher team consists of Michael Schierling (Denmark), Marco Borst (Netherlands) and Oliver Piskurek (Germany). We look forward to inspirations with a feeling of Japan.

Please register via

Further information will follow soon.

22nd of February 2021

The SZANSHINKAI 2021 will take place from 16.-17.10.2021.

25th of September 2020

The SZANSHINKAI will take place from 10-11.10.2020.

Due to COVID-19 there will be another change in the teacher team. Three different dates and three teacher changes, szanshin.

This year we are looking forward to Thomas Franzén, Oliver Piskurek and Kostas Kanakis.

The pre-registration runs until September 30th, 2020. The number of participants is limited.

Further information will follow.

Stay healthy.


3rd of July 2020

The SZANSHINKAI will takes place from October 03-04, 2020.

Due to the current situation, we will adapt the SZANSHINKAI thematically and make long weapons a central theme. The number of participants for the SZANSHINKAI 2020 will be limited.

New pre-registration is possible until 12th of September 2020.

More information will follow soon.

Stay healthy.


16th of March 2020

As already indicated, the SZANSHINKAI 2020 must be postponed.

Further information will follow.

Stay positive and healthy 🙂


15th of March 2020

Due to the dynamic progression of the current situation, we would like to try to respond to all concerns, wishes and hopes as best as we can. Taking into account the current situation and the travel restrictions, we would like to express our fullest understanding. In the SZanshinkai team we constantly discuss and evaluate the situation. It is important to us to avoid risks, especially for older people or people who are at risk for health conditions.

We will get in touch with you early next week. Please be prepared for everything and stay positive.

Banpenfugyo juppo sessho gakorai tosha akuma fudo.

14th of March 2020

The ZSanshinkai team understands that given the current state of affairs some people will likely be impacted by travel restrictions. We understand and respect that people will be impacted and should not take unnecessary risks. We are happy about all those who remain positive and look forward to the ZSANSHINKAI.

Here some more information about the ZSANSHINKAI. Besides the usual training weapons, please bring a Rokushakubo if possible. This year there is a limited number of participants. Until Thursday, 19.03.2020, a few more participants will be accepted.

We are looking forward to a great event and wish a smooth trip to our attendees and now a great weekend.

28th of February 2020

Just 3 days left until 01.03.2020 to get the EARLY BIRD DISCOUNT for 125 €. For Judan and above the EARLY BRID DISCOUNT is 70 €. For group bookings of 5 persons or more, the fee is reduced again, please check our ZANSHINKAI Flyer! Please note that after 01.03. the regular seminar fee of 145 € will apply. Please register for the ZANSHINKAI 2020 via

Our T-Shirt design for this years ZANSHINKAI you’ll underneath this post. Pre-orders can be placed until 01.03.2020.

As usual, we will have our regular dinner on Saturday evening. Please let us know, if you want to join.

Note: Due to a few requests about the new coronavirus, I would like to refer to a scientific assessment by Oliver Piskurek. Please follow this link:  and the corresponding updates from Oliver. We will take extended hygiene measures for the ZANSHINKAI. If you have any further questions on this topic, please contact us.

Pedro will give a special training on Friday, 20.03.20 from 7-9 pm. Take this opportunity & join 😉 For all who participate in the ZANSHINKAI, the fee is 15 €. For all others 25 €.

16th of February 2020
This year’s T-SHIRT design. When you register for the ZANSHINKAI please let us know, if you want to order one and which size you have (we have men and womens cut).

25th January 2020

A happy new year 2020 to all.

The ZANSHINKAI 2020 is coming closer. On 21-22 March 2020 in Göttingen. Pedro, Oliver & Doug form this year’s ZANSHINKAI teacher team.

Pedro will give a training on Friday, 20.03.20 from 7-9 pm. Take this chance & join! Please register for the training (

The registration for ZANSHINKAI 2020 is running and as always there is our early bird discount. Register until 01.03.2020 and receive special (group) conditions.

We are looking forward to you!

11th of October 2019

The upcoming ZANSHINKAI is from 21.-22. of March 2020. More information are coming soon. Please mark this date in your calender.

16th of May 2019
16th of May 2019

This years t-shirt design.

29th of April 2019

Here a trailer of previous Sanshin/Zanshinkais that features our three main teachers for 2019. Get your early bird discount until 19th of May 2019. We look forward seeing you at the ZANSHINKAI 2019!

4th of April 2019

In less than 2 months the ZANSHINKAI 2019 will take place in Göttingen. Please register for the early bird discount by 19 May 2019.

We are very happy to have the band Calaveras around Doug Wilson in Göttingen. This will be a very special event. His legendary guitarist Ken Kishi and co-founder of Calaveras will come to Göttingen for the concert, too. At the moment the band is touring in Tokyo. They will perform as a duo on April 13th in Kyoto. And on 1st of June 2019 they will perform a live concert in downtown Göttingen to present their newly released CD “Hell will decide”. More information will be available soon.

Our ZANSHINKAI-T-Shirt-Logo of this year will be released soon. Please pre-order at

13th of March 2019

The ZANSHINKAI Flyer with all main information is online. This year at the ZANSHINKAI we added some specials. Stay tuned.

We are working on a ZANSHINKAI-T-Shirts. To get one please contact us at More details are coming soon.

1st of March 2019

The ZANSHINKAI 2019 takes place fom 1st to 2nd of June 2019 in Göttingen. Further information are coming soon our website, Facebook and Instagram.

21st of May 2018

The pictures of the ZANSHINKAI are now online. Please check the gallery.

15th of April 2018

Thanks to all of you for joining the ZANSHINKAI 2018 in Göttingen two weeks ago.

We will upload the seminar pictures soon.

Have a great time. And see you next time.

24th of January 2018

The ZANSHINKAI gets closer.

The seminar starts on Friday 30th of March (Good Friday) at 10 am.

The teacher of the ZANSHINKAI 2018 are Sveneric Bogsäter, Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Luboš Pokorný, Kostas Kanakis, Christian Petroccello. This year we will have some special guests.

The party is on Friday. The location is already booked. We look forward to a great atmosphere as usual.

A perfect point of time before Easter to get the Japan spirit in Göttingen to get new ideas and a positive input to slide into a relaxed Easter time with your family.

See you at the ZANSHINKAI 2018!

05th of December 2017

The teachers of the ZANSHINKAI 2018 are: Sveneric Bogsäter, Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Luboš Pokorný, Kostas Kanakis, Christian Petroccello.

The ZANSHINKAI 2018 takes place from 30th till 31st of March 2018 in Göttingen.

Attention: The seminar starts on Good Friday and ends on Saturday. You can enjoy Easter after an intensive training.

Please send an email or the registration form for register for the seminar.

Special conditions apply for registrations up to 18th of March 2017.

See you at the ZANSHINKAI 2018!

4th of April 2017

To all participants and to all teachers a big thanks!

The ZANSHINKAI weekend was full of good atmosphere, a lot of creativity and energy, a high quality of teaching and a wonderful spirit.

Soon we will upload pictures of the ZANSHINKAI 2017 in the gallery.

30th of March 2017

The registration starts on Saturday as well on Sunday at 9 am until 9.45 am.

27th of March 2017

As last years yoga session with Paul we will have an additional session on Friday (31-03-2017) from 7.30-9 pm in the Brüder-Grimm-Halle (Bergenstr.). Ralph is giving a session on the subject “Healing Art Based On Hichibuku“. Don’t miss it.

The training schedule for Saturday and Sunday has been uploaded under  Training. Please check it out.

In regards of the party on Saturday night we have to say that we have no room left. There is a possivility of a waiting list. Feel free to contact us.

17th of  January 2017

Information about the training, registration and accommodation as well as the evening programme can be found on this page or on the ZANSHINKAI flyer. Special conditions apply for registrations up to 19 March 2017. Please remember to make the pre-registration via or by mail with the registration form. Registration from the 20th of March and on site are also possible.

We are looking forward to seeing you at ZANSHINKAI 2017 in Göttingen.

2nd of  January 2017

We wish everyone a Happy New Year!

24th of December 2016

We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


21st of October 2016

About 5 month to go for the next ZANSHINKAI in Göttingen. This time the highclass teacher team consists of Doug Wilson, Oliver Piskurek, Sheila Haddad, Arnaud Cousergue, Lauri Jokinen and Ralph Schwager. They are coming together on the 1st and 2nd of April 2017.

Please register via e-mail or PDF form. Pre-registration is possible until the 19th of March 2017. You will find further information under this link: Registration.

Information about the training location, training schedule, accomodation and the famous evening party on Saturday are available on the Zanshinkai-Flyer.

Further important news are coming up on this page or the facebook-event-page.

We look forward to seeing you.

5th of May 2016

The photos of the ZANSHINKAI are available under “Gallery“.

16th of April 2016

We want to say thank you for a successful seminar with more than 100 participants from all over Europe. Guests from Finland, Denmark, Spain, Turkey, from the Netherlands, Austria and from Germany created a truly international atmosphere. All participants trained with great enthusiasm and the number of 25 Judans is an evidence for the high level of training.

Furthermore, we want to thank you for attending the great party on Saturday night, where many of you, after having the tasty dinner, took the possibility of our open stage to bring joy to all of us.

We got several requests concerning our sold-out Zanshinkai-T-Shirts. If we get the minimum amount of orders that is needed, we are happy to order some more for you. Please let us know if you are interested in a T-Shirt and send an email ( with specifications about your size until April 26th.

See you next time… Banpen Fugyou.


2nd of April 2016

9 teachers = ~270 years of experience


30th of March 2016

Three days left for the early-bird-discount! If you know someone who is not registered yet: you can only get this discount until April 2nd. Just a few more people can be accepted for the party on Saturday night, we are sorry but space is limited!

22th of March 2016

The Zanshinkai-T-Shirts have been delivered! They are looking great, aren’t they?


9th of March 2016

We organised a nice bar for Saturday night where everyone will find something delicious at the buffet. We arranged very good conditions and are looking forward to a great night with an open stage.

Please let us know with your registration if you want to attend:

29th of February 2016

As a great beginning for the Zanshinkai weekend, Paul will be teaching a yoga class. It will take place on April 8th, 7:15-8:45 pm in the gymnastics hall of the Brüder-Grimm-Schule (Bergenstraße, 37075 Göttingen).

It is possible to stay overnight in the dojo (Max Planck Gymnasium, Theaterplatz 10, 37073 Göttingen) for 8,- EUR/night incl. breakfast. Please let us know with your registration if you want to sleep in the dojo (do not forget your sleeping bag and camping mat!).

06th of February 2016

Exactly nine weeks until the Zankshinkai from today!
We want to give you some information about the course of the event.

We will start and end both days of the seminar with a large class with all nine teachers and all participants. The other classes are divided in three smaller groups, each held by three teachers. The teachers will change from class to class so every participant will be able to get a lesson with every teacher.

9th of January 2016

Dear martial arts friends,

The new year has just begun and we wish you the very best for it.

It is exactly three months from today until the Zanshinkai takes place and we are looking forward to organise this great seminar for you.

We would like to ask you to pre-register via our website. A pre-registration on Facebook is not enough for this event. You can find all details on

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and contact us.

11th of November 2015
